index - Équipe NeuroPain du CRNL : Intégration Centrale de la Douleur chez l'Homme

Mots clés

Depression ADHD Attention SUDEP IRM fonctionnelle Pain Aδ-mediated intracortical potentials FMRI Anti-viral vaccination Guidelines Human Vision Balance Intracerebral EEG Cortex somesthésique secondaire Heart rate variability ADNFLE Acceptance and commitment therapy Adults Anterior insula Beck Depressive Inventory Artificial intelligence Alzheimer's disease Amygdale Primary motor cortex Laser evoked potential Autonomic neuroscience Arousal index BDI Alpha oscillations Psychophysique Émotion Stimulation non-invasive Epilepsy Intracranial EEG Networks Modulation BMI Réponse hémodynamique Animals Anomaly detection Anti-nociception SEEG Illusion Sleep Cortex moteur primaire EEG Attention-blindsight Sommeil Neuropathic pain Homme Non-invasive stimulation BIOMECANIQUE Nociceptive stimulus Acute treatment Insula Epilepsy surgery RTMS Arousal index Migraine Basilar Cortex BDI Polysomnography Douleur Amygdala Hypersomnie idiopathique Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve Secondary somatosensory cortex Autonomic nervous system Functional connectivity Electroencephalography Humans Arousal Apnea index AHI Douleurs neuropathiques centrales Functional MRI Nociception Alpha power Connectivity Adult Focal epilepsy Alpha Neuromodulation Apnea index Pain perception Baby cry Narcolepsie Central neuropathic pain Active paradigm IRMf Apnea-hypopnea index Apnea-hypopnea index ArI Hypersomnia Magnetic field Antibody response ArI Acupuncture Hemodynamic response AHI Drug-resistant epilepsy

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