index - Centre de recherches latino-américaines - ARCHIVOS

Presentation of CRLA-ARCHIVOS

Team of the Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes
[Institute of Modern Texts and Manuscripts]
(ITEM – UMR8132)

Located at the University of Poitiers, the CRLA-Archivos (Centre de recherches latino-Américaines-Archivos) [Centre for Latin American Research-Archivos] is a team of the Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes [Institute of Modern Texts and Manuscripts] (ITEM – UMR8132 – CNRS, École normale supérieure et University of Poitiers).

the CRLA-Archivos was formed in 1995 from the merger of the Centre de recherches latino-américaines de l'université de Poitiers [Latin American Research Centre, University of Poitiers] (1964-1995) and the GDR 1190 ‘Archives de la littérature latino-américaine et des Caraïbes du XXe siècle’ [Archives of 20th century Latin American and Caribbean literature] (CNRS, University of Paris X-Nanterre).

The researchers in this team are mainly specialists in Latin America, both Hispanists and Lusists, who devote themselves to:

  • genetic studies; studies of creative processes;
  • the constitution, conservation and exploitation of writers' collections and manuscripts;
  • scientific and editorial coordination of the critical and genetic editions of the Archivos collection;
  • critical analysis of literary works;
  • critical analysis of historical documents.

Internationally recognised, the CRLA-Archivos is a very dynamic team: its international symposium, held every two years, is a regular meeting place for leading specialists in Latin American studies. Its ‘Archivos’ collection is a world-renowned reference collection.

Throughout the year, the team welcomes researchers from all over the world to develop their scientific projects.

For more information: et


Evolution of deposits

Deposits by document type

Last five deposits

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